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Whenever possible Badbeard's tries to align with direct trade sources, and to that end we have joined forces with producer/importer Sergio Dias of Brazil's JC Coffee Farms. Sergio grew up in coffee in Minas Gerais spent early adulthood in Washington State as an exchange student and ran several businesses over a couple decades before returning to his roots in Carmo de Minas in the early 2000s, buying his grandfather's family farm from a cousin. Production was small-scale and used traditional methods, eschewing the industrial approach that dominates Brazil's massive
coffee sector. He teamed up with his brother-in-law Ibraim Chaib, who had purchased and run Condado Estate in the 80's and 90s. Their partnership became the first to export coffee from Carmo de Minas, which today hosts some of the finest smaller producers in the country.
This full natural process offering from Sergio's Canaan Estate is full of the chocolatey, fruity nuttiness we expect in fine Brazils, and comprises Bourbon and Catuai varietal

Brazil Canaan Estate natural process

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